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Filled with fatty
Sweetened cartoon bones
Sultan attitude
Set in panic
The foreign fix is on
Free at last!
You know that can't be wrong
A show of hands
Who's holding out for more?
Seeds from another plan
Set feet prove to be wrong
Gotta burn the Southern hand
but that doesn't turn you on
Vulgar gallantry
Paper padding
The fighter's fists are gone
Vultures gathering
Shoulder shattered
He's out there all alone
Free at last!
You know that can't be wrong
A show of hands
Who's holding out for more?
Seeds from another plan
Set feet prove to be wrong
Gotta burn the Southern hand
But that doesn't turn you on
Copyright © 2018 Johnny Marie & the Lonesome Petunias. All Rights Reserved.
Johnny Marie - Vocals, Keyboards, Guitars, Percussion
Danny Button - Guitars
Joe Salvato - Piano
Dave Swiercinsky - Bass
Allen Johnston - Drums
Patrick Meagher - Trumpet, Keyboards
Shannon Swift - Vocals